Aqueduct Global Maps 2.0
Companies can use this information to prioritize actions, investors to leverage financial interest to improve water management, and governments to engage with the private sector to seek solutions for more equitable and sustainable water governance. Aqueduct Global Maps 2.0 includes indicators of...
Featured Aqueduct Global Flood Risk Maps
For the current scenario, we used hydrological data from 1960 through 1999 for generating flood inundations for 9 return periods, from 2-year flood to 1000-year flood, and 2010 GDP, population, and land use data for assessing flood impacts. For future projections, we used 5 GCMs (Global Climate...
Featured Aqueduct Global Maps 2.1 Data
Awareness around the physical, regulatory, and reputational water risks to companies and their investors is on the rise and robust, comparable and comprehensive data is needed to help assess these water-related risks. In response to this demand, the World Resources Institute developed the...
Aqueduct Global Flood Risk Country Rankings
Key Findings Approximately, 21 million people worldwide could be affected by river floods on average each year, and the 15 countries with the most people exposed, including India, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Democratic...