World's Average Monthly Rainfall in November
This data was used in Map 3.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
World's Average Monthly Rainfall in July
This data was used in Map 3.4 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
World's Average Monthly Rainfall in April
This data was used in Map 3.3 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
World's average monthly rainfall in February
This data was used in Map 3.2 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
Shipping Activity
This dataset was used as base data in Reefs at Risk. Shipping activity data used in the model of threat to coral reefs from marine-based pollution and damage in the Reefs at Risk Revisited project. This dataset was derived at WRI from the World Meteorological Organization Voluntary Observing...
Global Map of Threat of Blast or Poison Fishing
This dataset was used as base data in Reefs at Risk. Map of blast and poison fishing (1 km grid) was developed for use in the Reefs at Risk Revisited project as a component of the model of overfishing and destructive fishing pressure on coral reefs. This layer designates threat of blast and...
Featured Dataset of Electric School Bus Adoption in the United States
Transitioning to electric school buses (ESBs) from traditional diesel-powered school buses can reduce students’ exposure to air pollution and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. School districts and private fleet operators around the United States are adopting electric school buses with increasing...
Marine Protected Areas in Coral Reef Regions of the World
This dataset is part of the base data used for Reefs at Risk Revisited. To assess the level of protection and management for coral reefs around the world. The map of MPAs and associated management effectiveness scores were used to adjust pressure from overfishing and destructive fishing in the...
Reefs at Risk Revisited (Social Vulnerability Data)
This shapefile features the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) for 108 coral reef countries and territories classified according to an index of their reef dependence, adaptive capacity, and social vulnerability. Results are presented as quartiles, with 27 countries/territories classified in each of...
Reefs at Risk Revisited (Local Threats Data)
Threats from coastal development, marine-based pollution and damage, overfishing and destructive fishing, and watershed-based pollution were analyzed separately. These threats were integrated into the Integrated Local Threat index. Past thermal stress was integrated with local threats into the...
Tropical Coral Reefs of the World (500-m resolution grid)
Global map of shallow, tropical coral reefs, gridded at 500-m resolution for use in the Reefs at Risk Revisited project. The coral reef location data were compiled from multiple sources by UNEP-WCMC, the WorldFish Center, and WRI. To standardize these data for the purposes of the Reefs at Risk...