Average Annual Rainfall in Kenya
This data was used in Map 3.1 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
World's Average Monthly Rainfall in November
This data was used in Map 3.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
World's Average Monthly Rainfall in July
This data was used in Map 3.4 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
World's Average Monthly Rainfall in April
This data was used in Map 3.3 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
World's average monthly rainfall in February
This data was used in Map 3.2 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
Shipping Activity
This dataset was used as base data in Reefs at Risk. Shipping activity data used in the model of threat to coral reefs from marine-based pollution and damage in the Reefs at Risk Revisited project. This dataset was derived at WRI from the World Meteorological Organization Voluntary Observing...