• Featured Intact Forest Landscapes (2013)

    "The Intact Forest Landscapes (IFL) data set identifies unbroken expanses of natural ecosystems within the zone of forest extent that show no signs of significant human activity and are large enough that all native biodiversity, including viable populations of wide-ranging species, could be...

  • Romania tree cover

    Retrieved from Global tree cover loss data from GFW. Displays tree cover loss in the country from 2001 to 2013, represented by pixel values 1-13, respectively.

  • Sarawak oil palm concessions

    This data set provides the boundaries of known oil palm concessions for the state of Sarawak, Malaysia, and was compiled from available public documents. Where available, associated information provided with this data set includes licensee name, permit number (Operational Ticket), corporate...

  • Digital Globe GEO1 Satellite Imagery

    Effective emergency planning and response requires quick and easy access to accurate, up-to-date information. DigitalGlobe’s FirstLook is an online subscription service for emergency management that provides fast web-based access to pre-and post-event imagery of world disasters delivered to...

  • Digital Globe QB01 Satellite Imagery

    Effective emergency planning and response requires quick and easy access to accurate, up-to-date information. DigitalGlobe’s FirstLook is an online subscription service for emergency management that provides fast web-based access to pre-and post-event imagery of world disasters delivered to...

  • Featured RSPO Palm Oil Mills

    Certification of sustainable palm oil production is handled through the palm oil mill and its supply base. The certification includes plantations managed by the mill and plantations managed by other suppliers, including smallholders. To have its oil mill certified, a palm oil producer must show a...

  • Featured Archive fires for Indonesia

    The Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) delivers global MODIS-derived hotspots and fire locations. The active fire locations represent the center of a 1-kilometer pixel that is flagged by the MOD14/MYD14 Fire and Thermal Anomalies Algorithm as containing one or more fires...

  • Digital Globe WV01 Satellite Imagery

    Effective emergency planning and response requires quick and easy access to accurate, up-to-date information. DigitalGlobe’s FirstLook is an online subscription service for emergency management that provides fast web-based access to pre-and post-event imagery of world disasters delivered to...

  • Featured Protected areas

    The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global spatial data set on marine and terrestrial protected areas available. Protected area data are provided via Protected Planet, the online interface for the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). The WDPA is a joint...

You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).