Coral reefs in Kenya
This data was used in Map 6.4 and Map 6.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. The full report is available at http://www.geus.dk/program-areas/nature-environment/international/reports/kensea/kensea_rapport.pdf.
Locations of sable antelope sites, Kenya
This data was used in Map 6.4 and Map 6.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Original data and report are downloadable at http://www.unep.org/eafatlas/dbke.htm.
Locations of mangroves in Kenya (line)
This data was used in Map 6.4 and Map 6.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. The full report is available at http://www.geus.dk/program-areas/nature-environment/international/reports/kensea/kensea_rapport.pdf.
Locations of mangroves in Kenya (polygon)
This data was used in Map 6.4 and Map 6.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. The full report is available at http://www.geus.dk/program-areas/nature-environment/international/reports/kensea/kensea_rapport.pdf.
Turtle nesting and breeding sites in Kenya
This data was used in Map 6.4 and Map 6.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. The full report is available at http://www.geus.dk/program-areas/nature-environment/international/reports/kensea/kensea_rapport.pdf.
Dugong Sites and Dolphin Schools on the Eastern Coast of Kenya
This data was used in Map 6.4 and Map 6.5 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Original report and data available on http://www.unep.org/eafatlas/dbke.htm